An End-to-End Pipeline for Automatic Data Acquisition and Analysis
Susan Vanderplas & Rick Stone
How are you currently using footwear forensics?
Few individuals trained
Collection of footwear impression evidence is difficult
First responders often damage evidence at the scene
Equipment for collecting prints is difficult to use and expensive
Insufficient detail in prints for RAC analysis
Insufficient people to perform RAC analysis
Not as useful in court as other types of evidence
How do we make footwear evidence more useful?
Define the comparison population
Sample from the comparison population
\(N\) total shoes
Identify similar shoes from the comparison population
\(S\) similar shoes in the \(N\) shoe sample
Estimate the probability of a coincidental match: \[\hat{p} = \frac{S}{N}\]
Quantifying the frequency of shoes in a local population is an unsolveable problem - Leslie Hammer, Hammer Forensics, March 2018
No 100% complete database of all shoes
Shoe purchases vs. frequency of wear (temperature, weather dependence)
Local populations may differ wildly
New tread patterns appear frequently
Make, Model, Tread pattern, Size, Type of shoe
Cannot be used to identify an individual match
Used for exclusion
Features other than make/model and size:
Dr. Martens | Eastland | Timberland |
Work 2295 Rigger | 1955 Edition Jett | 6” Premium Boot |
ID geometric features in outsole images
Fast processing of new images
Identify features using human-friendly terms
Assemble a database of shoe images
Calculate random match probability
Provide more weight to class characteristic comparisons
Bowtie | Chevron | Circle |
Line | Polygon | Quadrilateral |
Star | Text | Triangle |
Used to separate shoes by make/model in (small) local samples
Provide images and labels to the algorithm
Algorithm tries to reduce mismatch b/w algorithms and labels
(loss function)
End result is an algorithm which takes new images and outputs matching labels (with a corresponding probability)
Classification assigns an image to one or more of a fixed set of categories
Detection identifies the location of objects in an image and assigns a label
When classifying images, we get fairly good results, though some classes are confused.
Blue: Prediction matches image label
Grey: Prediction does not match image label
Yellow = high activation
Blue: Prediction matches image label
Grey: Prediction does not match image label
Yellow = high activation
Blue: Prediction matches image label
Grey: Prediction does not match image label
Yellow = high activation
Blue: Prediction matches image label
Grey: Prediction does not match image label
Collaborate with us!
Collect population level data
Data sharing
Other uses for the scanner or software?
Susan Vanderplas:
Rick Stone: