Escaping Flatland

Graphics, Dimensionality, and Human Perception

Tyler Wiederich, Erin Blankenship & Susan Vanderplas


Perception and Dimensionality

Cleveland and McGill (1984)

Figure 4, Cleveland & McGill (1984). Different types of comparisons with bar charts.

  • Hierarchy of visual features:
    • Accuracy for length > area > volume
    • Experiments manipulated position and angle
      (no actual area/volume experiments)
  • Type 1 vs. 3 comparisons: cognitive grouping

Zacks et al. (1998)

Common Graph Types. (Modified from Figure 2)

  • Matching task: higher error on volume than area

  • Estimation task: Error for volume > line > area

Illusions and Context

  • Optical Illusions where 3D heuristics are applied to 2D objects
    • Muller-Lyer
    • Sine Illusion
    • Color constancy

Developments in 3D Graphics

  • Generated with OpenSCAD or rayshader in R

  • Realistic environment

    • Rotation
    • Zoom
    • Interactivity

Developments in 3D Graphics

3D printed charts

Experiment: Is 3D that bad?

  • Integrated into introductory statistics classes:
    Summer 23, Fall 23, Spring 24


Integrated into the course to align with current topics

  1. Informed Consent
  2. Reflection: process of scientific research
  3. experiment participation
  4. Reflection: experiment purpose, hypothesis, error, variables, randomization
  5. Reflection: what students learned from 2-page abstract
  6. Reflection: How 15 minute conference presentation differed from abstract



3D fixed

3D rendered

3D printed

Figure 1: Rendering types used in this experiment. All charts show the same data.




Data Cleaning

Data Cleaning Step Participants Trials
In Stat 218 353 6171
Completed 10+ trials 344 6126
Correct Shape ID 333 5922
Selects 50% less than half the time 325 5831

Analysis is of 5831 trials completed by 325 participants

Data Distribution

Figure 2: Number of trials across ratio and plot display type.

Post semester inventory indicates that some kits disappeared…


Figure 3: Violin plots of response accuracy by true ratio value. The data is highly variable, but most responses are reasonably close to the true value. Rounding to 5 artifacts are clearly visible.


Accuracy: \(\frac{\text{Estimated Percent} - \text{True Percent}}{\text{True Percent}}\)

Student Responses


  • “Students will get progressively less accurate as questions were asked”
  • “Do students change their answers when asked the same question over and over?”
  • “3D printed bar charts will lead to more accurate ratio judgments compared to 2D or 3D digital charts.”
  • “That 2d is preferred over 3d. It cleans up the data presentation.”
  • “The public can more accurately understand data when it is provided to them in a 2-D graph format.”

Sources of Error

  • “Fatigue effect over the course of making many judgments, learning patterns from seeing the same ratios multiple times, possibly difference in eyesight among participants.”
  • “There are no line values to help measure it when there is a small difference between the graphs.”
  • “People that are guessing”
  • “People in the sample misunderstanding directions.”

Elements of Experimental Design

  • “I believe every graph was randomized for every student. I also believe the practice was meant to be a bit of the control group.”
  • “Randomization was used as participants all received different sets of graphs to examine. A person wasn’t assigned to a certain set of graphs and it was up to random chance on which set of graphs they received.”

Elements of Experimental Design

  • “I think that there is randomization but not a control group in my opinion, because there isn’t one group that is left alone or not studied….”
  • “Randomization was not used because it was offered as an extra credit assignment in class.”


  • No evidence of large differences between perception of 2D and 3D bars in this sample
    • Students may be less motivated to guess accurately
    • Students used to 3D effects may be less impacted by computer graphics
  • Integrating graphics research into the classroom is fun for students! … but data may not be of the same quality as paid samples


Carswell, C., Sylvia Frankenberger, and Donald Bernhard. 1991. “Graphing in Depth: Perspectives on the Use of Three-Dimensional Graphs to Represent Lower-Dimensional Data.” Behaviour & Information Technology 10: 459–74.
Cleveland, William S., and Robert McGill. 1984. “Graphical Perception: Theory, Experimentation, and Application to the Development of Graphical Methods.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 79 (387): 531–54.
Day, Ross H, and Erica J Stecher. 1991. “Sine of an Illusion.” Perception 20 (1): 49–55.
Fischer, M. H. 2000. “Do Irrelevant Depth Cues Affect the Comprehension of Bar Graphs.” Applied Cognitive Psychology 14: 151–62.<151::AID-ACP629>3.0.CO;2-Z.
VanderPlas, Susan, and Heike Hofmann. 2015. “Signs of the Sine IllusionWhy We Need to Care.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 24 (4): 1170–90.
Zacks, Jeff, Ellen Levy, Barbara Tversky, and Diane J. Schiano. 1998. “Reading Bar Graphs: Effects of Extraneous Depth Cues and Graphical Context.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 4 (2): 119–38.