Rules… and when to break them

What are the rules?

Some basics

  • Amount of ink used to represent a value should be proportional to the value

  • Use the simplest representation you can to convey the data

Some basics

  • Balance complexity and cognitive load

  • Grid lines are helpful, but not too many

  • Show data + summary statistics (if not too crowded)

  • Use direct labels instead of legends (where space allows)

Some basics

Use the typical range of the data/measurement for context

Some basics

Aspect ratios are important!

Color Choices

  • Categorical scales: Use no more than 7 categories

  • Leverage common associations

  • Transition through a neutral color (white/light yellow)

  • Vary hue or lightness/saturation, but not both

    • Hue:
    • Saturation:
    • Lightness:

Case Study: Color Schemes



Perceptually Uniform

Turbo (Better Rainbow)

Case Study: Polar Charts