Shoeprint images

Shoeprint images

We need to resize the images so that they are the same size:

We can then overlay the images to see how far apart they are:

We’ll align images within timepoint - this removes the variability due to the individual collecting the data as well as the variability due to wear over time.

Step 1: Keypoint Detection

hkp <- purrr::map(imgs, harris_keypoints, sigma = 3)

plots <- purrr::map(hkp, function(x) ggplot2::qplot(x$centers$mx, -x$centers$my, colour = I("red")))

gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = plots, ncol = 4)

Step 2: Image Orientation

Calculating the dominant orientations for the whole image produces:

Step 3: Feature Detection

For each angle, we pull features from a 40x40 area around the keypoint. These features will be used to identify points of similarity across the two images.

This step takes, by far, the longest amount of time.

get_kpf <- function(angles, hkp, im) {
  kpa <- data_frame(angle = angles, v = list(hkp$centers)) %>%
    tidyr::unnest(v) %>%
    dplyr::rename(theta = angle, x = mx, y = my) %>%
    mutate(idx = 1:n()) %>%
    rowwise() %>%
    tidyr::nest(-theta, -idx, .key = "v") %>%
  purrr::pmap(list(theta = kpa$theta, v = kpa$v), descriptor_orientation, im = im) %>%"rbind", .)

kpf <- purrr::pmap(list(angles = angles, hkp = hkp, im = imgs), get_kpf)

Step 4: Match points

Match points are calculated using the K nearest neighbors algorithm, combined with some thresholding by distance.

Step 6: Image Warping

The homography can be used to warp one image onto the other:

map_fcns <- purrr::map(ransac_points, function(.) map_affine_gen(.$homography))

imgs_warp <- purrr::map2(imgs[c(1, 3, 5, 7)], map_fcns, .f = imwarp, direction = "backward", boundary = "neumann")
imgs_warp <- imgs_warp %>% as.imlist()

imgs_unwarp <- imgs[c(2, 4, 6, 8)]

We can then overlay the two images:

Areas that are in the first image only are shown in red; areas in the second image only are shown in blue. Areas in both images are shown in black.